Npower Is Starting New Registration On The 26 Of June

The Npower Is Starting New Registration On Friday, 26th of June, 2020

Take a look at the categories of people who are eligible to register for the Npower job when the portal opens by June 26, 2020.

  1. People with Ordinary National Diploma (OND). 
  2. People with Nigeria certificate in Education (NCE).
  3. Higher National Diploma (HND) 
  4. Bachelor degree
  5. You must be between the ages of 18 - 35.
  6. Bank verification number (BVN).

If you have any of the above mentioned certificates and your age is between 18 - 35 then the job is for you.

Here's Npower Portal. 

Details of information needed to apply for npower

  1. Name (Surname first)
  2. E-mail
  3. Password 
  4. Educational Background 
  5. National Youth Service Certificate
  6. Birth Certificate
  7. Local Government Identification letter
  8. Bank Verification Number 
  9. Phone Number
  10. Bank Account Number 
  11. Bank name
  12. State origin, LGA, Community
  13. Residential Address
  14. State of Resident
  15. Local Government of Resident
  16. The program you prefer

Send to your love once who may want to apply using the social media button below.

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