The Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye has released her result for the 2019/2020 POST UTME Screening exercise.
Candidates are advised to login with their JAMB registration number via view their results.
Wish you best of luck.
Keep checking for more details.
Also, check Approved OOU courses and cut off marks.
Faculty/Department JAMB Cut Off Mark
Accounting 260 and above
Banking And Finance 250 and above
Business Administration 250 and above
Public Administration 240 and above
Secretarial Administration 220 and above
Agric-Extension And Rural Sociology 240 and above
Cooperative Management 240 and above
Agricultural Economics And Farm Management 240 and above
Agriculture Crop Production 240 and above
Fisheries Forestry And Wildlife 240 and above
Forestry Wildlife And Fisheries 240 and above
Home And Hotel Management 240 and above
Home Economics 240 and above
B.A. Music 230 and above
B.A. Linguistics 230 and above
Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies 230 and above
English Language 230 and above
Fine/Applied Arts 230 and above
French 230 and above
History And Diplomatic Studies 230 and above
Islamic Studies 230 and above
Performing Arts 230 and above
Philosophy 230 and above
Yoruba 230 and above
Business Education 200 and above
Education & Christian Religious Studies 200 and above
Education & Computer Science 200 and above
Education & Economics 200 and above
Education & Islamic Studies 200 and above
Education & Mathematics 200 and above
Education & Physics 200 and above
Education & Yoruba 200 and above
Education Accounting 200 and above
Education And Biology 200 and above
Education And Chemistry 200 and above
Education And English Language 200 and above
Education And French 200 and above
Education And Geography 200 and above
Education And History 200 and above
Education And Integrated Science 200 and above
Education And Political Science 200 and above
Education And Social Studies 200 and above
Guidance & Counselling 200 and above
Health Education 200 and above
Nursery And Primary Education 200 and above
Sport Science 200 and above
Agricultural Engineering 250 and above
Architecture 250 and above
Civil Engineering 260 and above
Computer Engineering 250 and above
Electrical /Electronics Engineering 250 and above
Geography And Regional Planning 230 and above
Mechanical Engineering 260 and above
Transport Planning And Management 250 and above
Urban And Regional Planning 250 and above
Civil Law 260 and above
BNSc. Nursing 250 and above
Anatomy 250 and above
Medicine And Surgery 270 and above
Pharmacology 250 and above
Pharmacy 260 and above
Physiology 250 and above
Applied Zoology 240 and above
Biochemistry 240 and above
Chemical Sciences 240 and above
Computer Science 240 and above
Geology 240 and above
Industrial Chemistry 240 and above
Mathematics 240 and above
Microbiology 240 and above
Physics 240 and above
Plant Science 240 and above
Statistics 240 and above
Economics 250 and above
Industrial And Labour Relations 230 and above
Mass Communication 250 and above
Political Science 220 and above
Psychology 200 and above
Sociology 220 and above