This is to inform interested and suitably qualified candidates that application forms for admission into Kaduna Polytechnic, for the 2019/2020 Academic Session, in respect of the following programmes are available online: Available Courses/Programmes COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING A. SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING 1. Department of Agricultural & Bio Environmental Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering with options in: (a) Soil & Water (b) Farm Power & Machinery 2. Department of Civil Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Civil Engineering with options in: (a) Transportation (b) Water Resources & Public Health (c) Structure 3. Department of Mineral & Petroleum Resources Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Geological Engineering. (ii) Higher National Diploma, Minerals Engineering. (iii) Higher National Diploma, Mining Engineering. B. SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 1. Department of Chemical Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Chemical Engineering. 2. Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Electrical & Electronics Engineering with options in: (a) Power & Machines (b) Electronics& Telecommunications 3. Department of Mechanical Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Mechanical Engineering with options in: (a) Power & Plant, (b) Production (c) Manufacturing. 4. Department of Computer Engineering (i) Higher National Diploma, Computer Engineering. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION 1. Department of Applied Biology (i) Higher National Diploma, Science Laboratory Technology with options in: (a) Biology/Microbiology, (b) Microbiology, 2. Department of Applied Chemistry (i) Higher National Diploma, Science Laboratory Chemistry. Technology; Chemistry/Bio 3. Department of Applied Physics (i) Higher National Diploma, Science Laboratory Technology; Physics/Electronics 4. Department of Computer Science (i) Higher National Diploma, Computer Science 5. Department of Mathematics & Statistics (i) Higher National Diploma, Statistics. B. SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY 1. Department of Fashion Design and Clothing Technology (i) Higher National Diploma, Fashion Design & Clothing Technology. 2. Department of Food Technology (i) Higher National Diploma, Food Technology 3. Department of Hospitality Management (i) Higher National Diploma, Hospitality Management. 4. Department of Management of Leisure & Tourism (i) Higher National Diploma, Leisure & Tourism Management. 5. Department of Nutrition & Dietetics (i) Higher National Diploma, Nutrition & Dietetics. 6. Department of Printing Technology (i) Higher National Diploma, Printing Technology. (ii) Post- HND, Printing Technology 7. Department of Textile Technology (i) Higher National Diploma, Textile Technology. COLLEGE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES A. SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 1. Department of Architecture (i) Higher National Diploma, Architecture. 2. Department of Building (i) Higher National Diploma, Building. 3. Department of Quantity Surveying (i) Higher National Diploma, Quantity Surveying. 4. Department of Urban & Regional Planning (i) Post-HND (Professional) Urban & Regional Planning (ii) Pre-Post HND Urban & Regional Planning (iii) Higher National Diploma, Urban & Regional Planning. B. SCHOOL OF GEODESY & LAND ADMINISTRATION 1. Department of Cartography & Geographic Information System (i) Professional Diploma Cartography & Geographic Information System (ii) Higher National Diploma, Cartography & Geographic Information System (iii) Pre-Professional Diploma Surveying & Geo-informatics. 2. Department of Environmental Science (i) Higher National Diploma, Environmental Technology, 3. Department of Estate Management (i) Higher National Diploma, Estate Management. 4. Department of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (i) Higher National Diploma, Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing. 5. Department of Surveying & GeoInformatics (i) Pre-Professional Geoinformatics Diploma Surveying & (ii) Higher National Diploma, Surveying & Geoinformatics (iii) Professional Diploma Surveying & Geoinformatics. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT STUDIES A. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & FINANCIAL STUDIES 1. Department of Accountancy (i) Higher National Diploma, Accountancy 2. Department of Banking and Finance (i) National Diploma, Banking & Finance. 3. Department of Business Administration (i) Higher National Diploma, Business Administration & Management. 4. Department of Marketing (i) Higher National Diploma, Marketing. 5. Department of Purchasing & Supply (i) Higher National Diploma, Purchasing & Supply. B. SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 1. Department of Management Studies (i) Higher National Diploma, Human Resource Management. (ii) Higher National Diploma, Production & Operations Management. 2. Department of Cooperative Economics & Management (i) Higher National Diploma, Cooperative Economics & Management. 3. Department of Office Technology & Management (i) Higher National Diploma, Office Technology & Management. COLLEGE OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES A. SCHOOL OF ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES 1. Department of Public Administration (i) Higher National Diploma, Public Administration. 2. Department of Local Government Studies (i) Higher National Diploma, Local Government Studies. B. SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES 1. Department of Library & Information Science (i) Higher National Diploma, Library & Information Science. 2. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (i) National Diploma, Psychosocial Rehabilitation. (ii) NCE, (Special Needs). 3. Department of Mass Communication (i) Higher National Diploma, Mass Communication. 4. Department of Social Development (i) Higher National Diploma, Social Development with options in: (a) Community Education, Development & Adult (b) Social Welfare, (c) Youth & Sports 5. Department of Legal Studies (i) KPT. Diploma in Law. 6. Department of Languages (i) Diploma Arabic (ii) Diploma English (iii) Diploma French (iv) Diploma Hausa (v) Advanced Certificate Arabic (vi) Advanced Certificate English (vii) Advanced Certificate French (viii) Advanced Certificate Hausa (ix) Intermediate Certificate Arabic (x) Intermediate Certificate English (xi) Intermediate Certificate French (xii) Intermediate Certificate Hausa (xiii) Basic Certificate Arabic (xiv) Basic Certificate English (xv) Basic Certificate French (xvi) Basic Certificate Hausa ENTREPRENUERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Advanced Certificate, Entrepreneurship Technology Pre-HND Candidates with Polytechnic Diploma, University Diploma, IJMB, First Degree or National Diploma may be considered for Direct Admission into appropriate National Diploma Programmes. Pre NCE 1. Admission Requirements 1.1 Pre NCE (Technical) SSC/NTC with at least three credits and two passes in not more than two sittings. The credits must include English Language and Physics and any other Science subject or TCII with credits/merits in the said subjects. 1.2 Pre NCE (Special Needs) SSC/NTC/NBC with at least three credits and two passes in not more than two sittings. The credits must include English Language and any two from History, Government, Biology, Chemistry or Agricultural Science or TCII with credits/merits in the said subjects. 2. Transition to NCE At the end of the two semesters, students are to proceed to the respective NCE programmes provided they obtained a CGPA of 1.50 and scored the minimum Cut-Off Point at the JAMB UTME. They are however, exempted from Post UTME. NOTES: (i) Admission brochure is available on the portal for candidates to acquaint themselves with the admission requirements of all the above mentioned programmes. (ii) Application should be made not LATER THAN 30th July, 2019 when the portal for admission shall be closed. METHOD OF APPLICATION Candidates are to log unto Kaduna Polytechnic School Portal on and follow the Remita payment option logo to access the Kaduna Polytechnic page. Amount payable is N8,000.00 only. CLOSING DATE The portal for admission shall be closed by 30th July, 2019. Sgd. Dr. Muhammad Sani Musa REGISTRAR Source: